8/10, 8/10
7 días, 7 días

El Tour de la Toscana en una semana es el tour perfecto para descubrir esta región! Este tour en moto en Italia es la mejor manera de disfrutar de una de las regiones más famosas del mundo, la Toscana, y descubrirla con estilo, conduciendo una moto a través de maravillosas carreteras. El Tour tiene una duración de 7 días y 6 noches durante los cuales viajaremos por toda la región para que puedas tener una idea completa de lo que realmente es la Toscana. No importa si es tu primera vez en la Toscana o no, gracias a nuestros guías locales, el punto de vista local del tour lo hará todo diferente y especial. Al pilotar la moto durante 7 días con alrededor de 4 a 5 horas de conducción por día, recomendamos este tour para moteros con experiencia y buena salud. Consulta el programa para más información sobre el viaje.

Un desafío y una experiencia emocionante que te ofrecerá lo mejor de la Toscana.

HORARIO DE SALIDA Presentarse 30 minutos antes del inicio del tour
DISTANCIA 1.200 km / 745 millas
Hotel con desayuno Moto
Guia en moto 1 cena
Gasolina Bebidas
Peajes Comidas

Para este tour puedes elegir entre 4 opciones de motos:

Tipo A: Ducati Multistrada V4, BMW R1250GS, HD Street Glide Special (o similar)
Tipo B: Ducati Multistrada 950, BMW F850GS, Moto Guzzi V85 TT, HD Road King (o similar)
Tipo C: Ducati Scrambler 800, BMW F750GS, Moto Guzzi V7, HD SuperLow (o similar)
Tu propia moto (de al menos 250 cc)

En caso de que tu primera elección de moto en alquiler no esté disponible para tus fechas, puedes elegir entre otras motos de la misma categoría. Si cambias de categoría, el precio del tour variará en consecuencia.

Visita nuestra página de Servicio de Alquiler para ver las motos y accesorios disponibles.


Tu propia moto Alquiler Tipo A Alquiler Tipo B Alquiler Tipo C
Solo piloto 2.500 €* 3.500 €* 3.300 €* 3.200 €*
Piloto + pasajero 3.700 € 4.700 € 4.500 € 4.400 €

*extra por habitación individual: 90 euros por noche


Deseas hacer el tour solo con tus compañeros de rutas? Los tours en moto privados en Italia son una manera excelente de vivir la aventura. Contactanos ahora, cuéntanos tus fechas preferidas y la composición de tu grupo. Comprobaremos la disponibilidad para tus fechas y te haremos un presupuesto personalizado. Incluso si el número de participantes no llega al mínimo establecido, el tour podría hacerse con precios distintos.


  • 6 noches en hotel  (2 personas por habitación)
  • Desayunos (6)
  • Cena de bienvenida (agua incluida, no alcohol)
  • Alquiler de moto con kilómetros ilimitados y seguro básico (no si vienes con tu moto)
  • Internet Wi-Fi
  • Entradas para el museo Ducati
  • Guia de habla hispana con su moto


  • Gasolina
  • Peajes
  • Bebidas
  • Comidas
  • Alquiler de equipamiento
  • Tasa turística, propinas…
  • Todo lo no expresamente indicado entre lo incluido y todos los demás gastos personales
  • Extra por habitación individual: 70 euros por noche


Para confirmar la reserva se requiere el pago del 30% del total
El restante 70% debe ser abonado 30 antes del inicio del tour
Para más información, visita nuestras FAQS

¿Aún tienes dudas? ¡Consulta nuestras reviews!


Mira el video de la ruta de este tour!

Salimos en televisión!

Additional information


Día 1 - Presentaciones y ruta rápida en Florencia

Cita a las 17:00 en Florencia para las presentaciones y recogida de las motos. A continuación iremos al impresionante Piazzale Michelangelo desde donde disfrutaremos de unas vistas maravillosa sobre Florencia. Después, tendremos la cena de bienvenida. Tiempo libre en la noche para un paseo por Florencia. La cena está incluida en el precio. Alojamiento en hotel en Florencia.


Día 2 - Montes Apeninos, complejo Ducati, Mugello y Pistoia

El primer día de ruta larga. Empezaremos por descubrir el norte de la Toscana a través de las carreteras reviradas y ratoneras de los Montes Apeninos y el Mugello haciendo varios puertos míticos toscanos como la Raticosa y la Futa hasta llegar a Bolonia y Borgo Panigale para visitar la sede de Ducati. En la tarde recorreremos la mitica carretera «Porretana» hasta llegara a la bonita y poco turistica ciudad de Pistoia. Tiempo libre en la noche para un paseo por Pistoia. Alojamiento en hotel en Pistoia.


Día 3 - Pistoia, Lucca, Pisa y Volterra

Hoy vamos a visitar algunas importantes ciudades de la Toscana como la bonita Lucca a la que llegaremos recorriendo una divertida y bonita carretera de montaña, Pisa y su famosa Torre inclinada y por ultimo la antigua ciudad etrusca de Volterra, donde llegaremos por la tarde. Alojamiento en hotel en Volterra.


Día 4 - Volterra, San Gimignano, Chianti, Monteriggioni y Siena

Día de pocos kilómetros pero muchas emociones: visitaremos algunos de los pueblos con más encanto de Italia como San Gimignano, famosa por sus torres medievales, Monteriggioni, recorreremos las carreteras del Chianti con muchas curvas y preciosas vistas. La ultima parada del día será Siena, la bonita y antigua rival de Florencia. Alojamiento en hotel en Siena.


Día 5 - San Galgano, Scansano, Pitigliano y Sorano

Nos despedimos de Siena para ir hacia el sur de la Toscana. Nuestra primera parada es San Galgano, una antigua Abadía donde yace la original Espada en la Piedra, después continuamos yendo hacia el Sur, hacia la Maremma donde visitaremos tres hermosas ciudades: Manciano, Pitigliano y Sorano, conectadas por unas carreteras maravillosamente divertidas. Alojamiento en hotel cerca de Sorano.


Día 6 - Montalcino, Abadía de Sant’Antimo, Pienza, Passignano y Cortona

Hoy vamos a conocer la Val d’Orcia, el verdadero icono de la Toscana con sus suaves colinas y cipreses, visitando otra antigua Abadía llamada Sant’Antimo y los pueblos de Montalcino y Pienza. Después de comer, iremos hacia el Este, la Lago de Trasimeno y por ultimo a Cortona, que se hizo famosa en todo el mundo por la película “Bajo el Sol de la Toscana”. Alojamiento en hotel cerca Cortona.


Día 7 - Anghiari, Poppi, Consuma y vuelta a Florencia

Este es nuestro ultimo día de tour y aun tenemos que descubrir una zona de la Toscana menos famosa pero no por ello menos impresionante: el Casentino y el Valdarno. Iremos hacia el Norte y haremos algunas paradas para conocer lugares interesantes como Anghiari y Poppi. Volveremos hacia Florencia recorriendo otro mitico «Passo» toscano, el Passo della Consuma. Estaremos de vuelta en Florencia en la tarde para devolver las motos y despedirnos.


Reviews del tour

5.00 basado en 8 reviews
julio 10, 2017

We have just returned to the UK after a this fabulous tour of Tuscany, ably led by Adrian. We were impressed by the superb organisation, as the tour took in all the best roads and sights that Tuscany has to offer. Accommodation was excellent. The bike was faultless, and the staff was always on hand to help. This was a dream trip – and was even better than hoped for!

agosto 2, 2017

Tras varios viajes a Italia como turista “normal” (avión, hoteles y museos), me decidí en ir en moto y buscar la forma de vivirla de forma auténtica pero sin volverme loco con los preparativos. Encontré esta agencia que me dio toda la información y facilidades que requería para que la aventura fuera completa. El hecho de que hablen español me fue de gran ayuda. El tour esta muy bien pensado para quien viene de fuera ya que mezcla visita a ciudades y monumentos con un sabor “motero” y aventurero. El guía conoce perfectamente las carreteras de la zona y nos llevaba por la mas divertidas y panorámicas. Ademas nos avisaba cada vez que había un radar para evitar multas y creedme que en Italia hay MUCHOS radares y muy bien escondidos!! Solo por el hecho de ir con guía, creo que ahorramos un buen dinerito en multas! Por las tardes cuando llegábamos al destino había un gran ambiente entre todos los participantes del tour y nos encanto conocer a mucha gente nueva que se han convertido en amigos moteros de todo el mundo. Repetiría mañana mismo sin dudarlo!

octubre 22, 2017

Everyone wants to go back from a vacation feeling like they have done something special and made real memories. That is what a tour like this is all about. Tuscany is a wonderful place where you can see 4 or 5 unique and beautiful environments all in a single days ride. And on a motorcycle you get the sights, sounds, smells and feel of the air while doing it. Tuscany Motorcycle Tours makes it easy. From the trip-ready bikes to the hotel bookings and routes, all you need do is show up and enjoy. The hotels are nice and you have built in friends for dinner or the option to go exploring. As the Italians said often “No problema…”. We planned it as a couples getaway and were very pleased with much to reminisce over the many pictures. If you yearn for special places and want the fun of a motorcycle, this is it.

noviembre 3, 2017

This has been one of the most beatifull, well planned trips in my life. Thanks to Adrian and all of his team for making my life so much happier now!!!

junio 27, 2018

Adrian is very professional, an excellent rider, and he seems to know every backroad in Tuscany. If you want to experience Tuscany by motorcycle, Adrian is your man. He organized a week long tour that was customized for our group of 6 people (3 bikes). A trip of a lifetime.

junio 27, 2018

Thank you so much for your review Alan-Luigi! See you soon and say hello to Shirley!

octubre 8, 2018

My husband, Stephen, and I recently enjoyed a weeklong tour of Tuscany provided by Tuscany Motorcycle Tours. The company’s owner, Adrian Lemasson, was our guide and met all our needs and desires for this tour admirably. He led us through beautiful scenery on technically interesting roadways. The lodgings he chose provided us with varied perspectives on local culture, as some were modern and some were more authentically Tuscan: all were lovely and comfortable. The motorcycle he provided, a BMW R1200 RT, was also comfortable as well as reliable, agile, and powerful enough to handle the mountain roads even with our luggage, me and my husband on it. When we picked up the motorcycle, the mechanic who oriented us to the bike, Andrea, was conscientious and thorough as he explained the bike to us, assuring both himself and us that would have a successful and enjoyable week. Stephen and I are very pleased that we made the decision to ride with Tuscany Motorcycle Tours and Adrian: we now feel that we have a friend in Italy.

octubre 8, 2018

Thank you so much, Sue Ann and Stephen for such a great week together. It has been a real pleasure to show you my region and share this adventure with you. I hope we’ll meet again in the future!!
Your friend in Italy

octubre 20, 2018

After searching various sites for recommendations about a guided motorcycle tour of Tuscany, I settled on Tuscany Motorcycle Tours run by Adrian Lemasson, this was for sure a good choice.
We had an outstanding week touring Tuscany visiting both the most obvious locations (Siena, San Giminarno, Pisa, Florence, but also some less visited but no less beautiful towns like Poppi, etc the weather on our tour (10-16th October) was excellent with a mixture of mountain passes, villages and a broad selection of Tuscan landscapes, I would not hesitate to recommend this tour, either hiring or riding to join the tour in my case.

octubre 20, 2018

Tim, thank you very much for your comment and sharing this amazing week with us! Adrian

octubre 26, 2018

Adrian has designed a tour that hits all the tourist favourites while still giving you an authentic experience. He has planned a trip that takes you over the best passes in Tuscany, to the most beautiful locations with pit stops in the hidden gems you could never find on your own. Adrian is well know amongst the locals in each village you visit and this makes the trip a truly unique and memorable experience. The journey through the scenic region offers the perfect balance between riding, sight-seeing and relaxation with something for everyone as you tour and taste the local delicacies.
The accommodations chosen by Adrian are nothing short of amazing. The hotels chosen fit perfectly with the itinerary and allow you a unique experience in each location without having to compromise on luxury. Adrian chooses accommodations situated in quiet and relaxing locations that give you the opportunity to reflect on the amazing days riding. His management is flawless and the check-in process at each location was seamless with gracious and welcoming staff. It is worth noting that each accommodation requires you to pay, often in cash, a city tax between £2-6 per person per night, though this is no fault of the tour.
The reputation of Italian food speaks for itself! The restaurants visited were incredible and offer everything your heart desires. Again, Adrian ensures variety and while you are welcome to pizza and pasta for every meal, he gives the option to explore the some rather strange local delicacies!
Adrian appears to have genuine relationships throughout the locations visited on this tour. His reputation amongst the locals ensures a warm welcome from a selection family owned restaurants and some unique specials that you wouldn’t be able to order a la carte, not to mention discounts in certain restaurants for the evening meal which was a nice touch.
The rental was effortless and we were able to tailor our trip by hiring a BMW RnineT for 2 days followed by a GS (albeit at some extra cost but this was our choice as we wanted to try out the RnineT). The bikes were in amazing condition with only some cosmetic damage. The rental place takes pictures of the bikes and sends them to you for your review but you are obviously encouraged to perform your own inspection.
Having only just passed my test a month before the trip, I was rather nervous riding a new bike, fully loaded with baggage and a pillion. Adrian was very patient as I got used to each bike and managed to keep a pace that was enjoyable for both myself and the other rider on our trip (30 years riding experience). He took us across fantastic roads that offered the perfect experience for everyone straight off the bat. As a relative novice I would say that the driving is quite challenging with some tight hairpin turns but no problem for a seasoned rider but also a brilliant and safe learning experience for new riders.
The views on the trip are breathtaking and the excitement of waking up knowing your day will be filled with a 1200cc engine beneath as you tear through the long windy roads of the mountain passes is enough to make anyone a ‘morning person’.
There are a few stints of motorway riding but this is to be expected and the majority of the roads were off the beaten track. (I MISS IT ALREADY)
The man himself, Adrian
Adrian is a brilliant and exceptionally likeable guy. He is positive, encouraging and really easy to get along with. We would often go for meals and drinks in the evening with him, which is not part of the programme but added to our experience. Adrian is extremely patient and offers the best advice in any situation, leveraging from his 15 years riding experience and knowledge of the roads. He was quick to tell my girlfriend and I who originally wanted to travel with only 2 cases for a week, that we were potentially crazy. He politely managed to convince us this was not sensible and made for a much more comfortable ride and a much less moody pillion!
He’s very knowledgeable about the areas you visit and having someone like him around makes the whole experience a lot easier and fulfilling.
In summary I couldn’t recommend this trip more, it was a great experience, amazing value for money and we cannot wait to do it again. Thank you.

octubre 26, 2018

WOW ALEX! This might be the best review EVER! Thank you for taking your time to share your experience, I’m really happy that you and Joanna had a good time here in Italy. During this week you have improved a lot your ride and I would be very happy to do it again! Cheers and thanks for everything

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