Toll and gas station tips, important to know!
Let’s start with a premise: in Italy everything is complicated and different but, once you know how it works, it is easy. So we will give you information and tips to make your motorcycle adventure in Italy easier and simpler.
Tolls in Italy
In Italy the main highways have tolls (AUTOSTRADA). There are some minor free-highways where payment is not required. In the map below you can see the toll-highways (in green) and the free-highways (in blue).

How to recognize if you are in a toll road (autostrada)? Green Color
If you’re on a road indicated with green signs, you’re on an autostrada. If you’re not on an autostrada but are following green signs, they will lead you to the autostrada. If you’re on a road that looks pretty significant but the signs are blue, it’s not an autostrada, and it’s also not a toll road.
How Tolls Work?
When you access to the highway you need to stop and take your entrance ticket. Keep this ticket for all the journey and don’t lose it! In case of lost ticket you will be charged the cost of the highest distance from your exit point (often more than 60 euros). When you leave the highway, stop at the lane for cash or credit card payment (CARTE), insert your entrance ticket, then you will see in the display the amount to pay and then pay with cash or credit card. Either in the entrance or the exit to the highway don’t use the TELEPASS lane, that is only for vehicles that have the TELEPASS contract and machine.
When using a highway in Italy in motorcycle we recommend to have your wallet with you in a closed pocket.
Gas stations in Italy
The gas stations on the autostrada are more expensive.
Since some years in almost all the gas stations you have 2 prices for each fuel type:
- SERVITO: which means “served”, in this case, the staff will put the fuel on your vehicle and the price is higher (around 0,20 € more per liter)
- SELF-SERVICE (or fai da te): as the name says you do it on your own. In this case the price is cheaper (today around 1,60 € per liter)

Fuel types:
On the gas station you will multiple fuel types:
- Super / Senza Piombo / 95 / 98 / Benzina: All these means the same: PETROL
- Diesel / Blue Diesel + / Diesel Tech
- GPL (Liquid Gas)
Make sure you only use the first type for your motorcycle, Petrol!
Payment in the gas stations
Many places will not accept credit cards and some will not even accept debit cards (even if usually they should work). So we recommend to have always with you euros in cash to avoid payment issues.
We hope this information will make your motorcycle holiday in Italy easier!
If during your tour with us you have problems or doubts, our guide will be glad to help you and resolve any problem.